Figure 9.
Modulation of the amplitude dynamics of STN LFP by HF DBS. (A,B) Time courses of the filtered LFP (green curves) and the smoothed order parameter R (blue curves) of STN neurons (1)–(4) stimulated by aDBS with the interphase gaps and stimulation intensity (A) and (B) . The values of the order parameter are scaled by the factor 1/25. The stimulation starts at . The red stepwise curve indicates the on- and off-epochs of aDBS. The LFP thresholds for aDBS (upper value of the red stepwise curves). The black dashed lines indicate the 65-percentile of the order parameter time variation starting from . (C,D) Mean and median values of the LFP burst length versus parameter of the stimulation intensity K for cDBS and aDBS as indicated in the legend (BL stands for “burst length”) and for the interphase gap (C) and (D) 2 ms. (E–G) Examples of the LFP burst length distribution for cDBS and aDBS illustrated by frequency histograms for two values of K and GW, as indicated in the legends.