Table 2.
The architecture of the Resnet model. Each row represents a layer of the network, and the input of a particular layer is the output of the previous layer. Serial processes are represented as comma-separated parameters in each row. The number of times each Conv layer is repeated is prepended to each layer name. The feature map sizes are downsampled by a factor for 2 during the first iteration of Conv 3 to Conv 5. Resnet models with and without inclusion of the Auxiliary and dropout were constructed
Type | Patch size/strides | Input size |
Conv 1 | 7 × 7/2 | 300 × 300 × 1 |
Max pool 1 | 3 × 3/2 | 147 × 147 × 64 |
3× Conv 2 | 1 × 1/1, 3 × 3/1, 1 × 1/1 | 74 × 74 × 64 |
4× Conv 3 | 1 × 1/1, 3 × 3/1, 1 × 1/1 | 74 × 74 × 256 |
23× Conv 4 | 1 × 1/1, 3 × 3/1, 1 × 1/1 | 37 × 37 × 512 |
Auxiliary | Avg pool 5 × 5/3, 1 × 1/1, linear, softmax | 19 × 19 × 1024 |
3× Conv 5 | 1 × 1/1, 3 × 3/1, 1 × 1/1 | 19 × 19 × 1024 |
Avg pool | 10 × 10/1 | 10 × 10 × 2048 |
Output | Dropout, linear, softmax | 1 × 1 × 2048 |