Schematics of the experimental timeline and the regions of the brain analyzed in the study. (A) Starting at 4-weeks of age, mice were given a weekly oral administration of 200 μL vehicle (carbonate/bicarbonate buffer containing 10 μg CT, pH 9.6) with or without 1 mg BLG for 5 weeks. In the 6th and 7th weeks, all mice were challenged with 50 mg BLG in carbonate/bicarbonate buffer (without CT), and their behavior was subsequently tested at 1- and 2-day post-challenge. One day after the last behavior test in Week 7, mice were sacrificed, and blood and tissue samples were harvested. (B) Diagrams depicting the dorsal (left), ventral (right), and sagittal (bottom) views of a mouse brain. Upon collection of brain samples, the left hemisphere (L, dotted outline) was immersion-fixed in 4% PFA while the right hemisphere (R, solid outline) was subdivided into the following five regions: Region 1, rostral brain including prefrontal and frontal cortices and underlying subcortical structures (e.g., striatum); Region 2, parietotemporal cortices and the hippocampus; Region 3, the thalamus and hypothalamus, Region 4, the midbrain; and Region 5, the cerebellum.