Assessment of infarct volume at D9 in ND-PBS, untreated non-diabetic mice; ND-hADMSC, treated non-diabetic mice; D-PBS, untreated diabetic mice and D-hADMSC, treated diabetic mice (n = 6–10) (A) and NHT-PBS, untreated non-hypertensive mice; NHT-hADMSC, treated non-hypertensive mice; HT-PBS, untreated hypertensive mice and HT-hADMSC, treated hypertensive mice (n = 7–10) (B). hADMSC did not significantly reduce infarct volume whatever the risk factor. Representative crésyl violet sections of infarct areas for non-diabetic, diabetic, non-hypertensive, and hypertensive mice (C).