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. 2019 Jul 16;10:920. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00920


Regression parameters for relationships between water content and temperature of α, β, and γ relaxations events (onset and peaks).

Regression parameter Species and tissue type α relaxation (onset) β relaxation (peak) β relaxation (onset) γ relaxation (peak)
Slope (°C g dw g–1 H2O) Pea axes −669±36b −259±38d −252±32d −244±27d
Soybean axes −1029±50a −21±35ns −108±41e −731±94b,1
Pea cotyledons −452±28c 3±28ns −131±28e −169±29e
Intercept Pea axes 88±2 49±3 16±2 −42±2
(°C for wc = 0 g H2O g–1 dw) Soybean axes 115±2 37±2 12±2 −27±3
Pea cotyledons 95±2 30±2 7±2 −37±3

1refers to the relationship at water content ≤0.05; 2refers to the relationship at water content ≥0.05; nsregression is not significant at P > 0.05. Data are from Figure 6. Regressions were significant (P < 0.05) except for moisture effects on the temperature of the β relaxation peak. Slopes marked with different superscripts were significantly different (P < 0.05). Analysis for pea cotyledons are provided for comparative purpose and come from Ballesteros and Walters (2011). The γ relaxations in soybean axes were analyzed for water contents above and below 0.05 g H2O g–1 dw.