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. 2018 Aug 22;58(4):559–565. doi: 10.1002/mus.26192

Table 2.

Estimated difficulty and discrimination parameters from the 2PL‐model.

Item Difficulty parameter value P (x=1 | z=0) Discrimination parameter value 95% confidence interval DIF due to
S2PD II left −1.076 .893 1.97 1.46 – 2.34 Neuropathy complaints
S2PD II right −1.040 .916 2.30 1.74 – 2.86 Type of diabetes
S2PD I left −0.984 .867 2.57 1.93 – 3.21
S2PD III left −0.929 .837 1.76 1.35 – 2.17
S2PD IV right −0.915 .881 2.18 1.68 – 2.69
S2PD V left −0.901 .897 2.40 1.85 – 2.96
S2PD V right −0.877 .943 3.21 2.42 – 4.00
S2PD I right −0.862 .900 2.55 1.97 – 3.13
S2PD IV left −0.844 .894 2.53 1.96 – 3.10
S2PD III right −0.839 .859 2.16 1.66 – 2.65
M2PD II left −0.657 .760 1.76 1.35 – 2.16 Gender, Tinel
M2PD III left −0.618 .757 1.84 1.42 – 2.26 Gender, type of diabetes, age
M2PD III right −0.580 .758 1.97 1.53 – 2.40 Gender
M2PD II right −0.416 .711 2.16 1.69 – 2.64
M2PD IV left −0.392 .665 1.75 1.36 – 2.15 Tinel
M2PD IV right −0.368 .683 2.09 1.62 – 2.56 Duration of diabetes
M2PD I left −0.279 .673 2.59 2.01 – 3.17 Gender, type of diabetes, age, neuropathy complaints
M2PD I right −0.260 .648 2.34 1.81 – 2.87
Vibration sense IP lefta 0.250 .429 1.14 0.86 – 1.42 Gender, age
Vibration sense IP righta 0.250 .429 1.14 0.86 – 1.42 Gender, age
Vibration sense MM righta 0.498 .384 0.95 0.70 – 1.20 Age
Vibration sense MM lefta 0.601 .346 1.06 0.79 – 1.33 Age
S1PD I left 0.781 .094 2.90 2.17 – 3.64
S1PD I right 0.835 .117 2.43 1.83 – 3.02 Neuropathy complaints
S1PD V left 0.958 .079 2.57 1.93 – 3.21 Neuropathy complaints, Tinel
Numbnessa 0.960 .234 1.24 0.93 – 1.54 Type of diabetes, neuropathy complaints, Tinel
S1PD V right 0.966 .070 2.67 1.99 – 3.36 Age, neuropathy complaints
S1PD II right 1.012 .145 1.75 1.33 – 2.18
S1PD II left 1.018 .144 1.75 1.33 – 2.17
S1PD III left 1.371 .012 3.23 2.33 – 4.13 Type of diabetes, neuropathy complaints
S1PD III right 1.405 .022 2.71 1.98 – 3.43
S1PD IV left 1.532 .022 2.46 1.80 – 3.13
S1PD IV right 1.578 .026 2.29 1.68 – 2.90 Neuropathy complaints
Prior ulcer 1.696 .057 1.65 1.23 – 2.08 Neuropathy complaints
Cold stimulus lefta 1.812 .097 1.23 0.89 – 1.57 Gender
Cold stimulus righta 1.902 .091 1.21 0.88 – 1.54 Duration of diabetes
Romberg testa 2.157 .143 0.83 0.56 – 1.10 Gender, type of diabetes, age
Amputation lefta 3.159 .001 2.16 0.79 – 3.53
Amputation righta 3.322 .004 1.64 0.79 – 2.49

*Roman capitals are indicatives of test locations: I, hallux; II, medial heel; III, first dorsal web; IV, lateral foot; V, fifth toe. IP, interphalangeal joint; MM, medial malleolus. For details on statistical information on DIF, see Supplementary Table SB.


Items included based on discrimination parameter value 1.