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. 2019 Jul 17;76(10):1035–1043. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.1411

Table 1. Outcomes and Characteristics of the Analytic Sample.

Outcome Countries Total
Denmark Finland Sweden Israel Western Australia
Families, No.a 183 034 160 570 262 047 37 430 37 421 680 502
Children, No.b 528 052 472 959 753 125 131 147 116 348 2 001 631
Sex, No.
Male 270 844 241 909 388 126 67 237 59 430 1 027 546
Birth cohort
1998-2002 270 564 240 984 360 351 75 220c 57 822 974 085
2003-2007 257 488 231 975 392 774 55 927d 58 526 929 721
ASD cases, No. 7580 2968 10 563 490 555 22 156
AD cases, No. 2676 709 4303 NA 459 8147
Asperger syndrome, No. 1731 1044 3557 NA 7 6339
PDD-NOS 3173 1215 2703 NA 89 7180
Children, No.
Cousinse 467 836 404 410 652 803 113 851 109 550 1 748 450
mPCsf 119 257 104 218 168 524 25 052 28 899 445 950
Full siblingsg 355 099 330 948 518 762 106 893 80 394 1 392 096
ASD concordance pairs, No.
Cousins 99 10 121 4 2 236
mPCs 30 3 33 3 1 70
Full siblings 191 69 353 7 19 639

Abbreviations: AD, autistic disorder; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; mPCs, maternal parallel cousins; NA, not available; PDD-NOS, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.


Data were organized in unit of family based on relatedness type in the Methods section.


Owing to data structure requirement by the statistical modeling, replicates exist (eAppendix 2: Analytic Sample Ascertainment in the Supplement).


Birth cohort 2000-2005.


Birth cohort 2006-2011.


Cousins are defined as children (cousins and full siblings) in the paired cousin families.


mPCs is defined as children (cousins and full siblings) in the families based on maternal parallel cousin pairs.


Full siblings are defined as full siblings from all 4 types of families defined based on relatedness.