Figure 1.
HRs for type 2 diabetes, with LA substituting for energy from other macronutrients. HRs were calculated in Cox proportional hazards model after adjusting for age, ethnicity (Caucasian, African American, Asian, and other ethnicity), smoking status (never, former, current [1–14, 15–24, or ≥25 cigarettes/day], or missing), alcohol intake (0.0, 0.1–4.9, 5.0–14.9, and >15.0 g/day in women; 0.0, 0.1–4.9, 5.0–29.9, and >30.0 g/day in men; or missing), family history of diabetes (yes/no), menopausal status and hormone use after menopause (premenopause, postmenopause hormone use [never, former, or current], or missing; for women only), physical activity (<3.0, 3.0–8.9, 9.0–17.9, 18.0–26.9, and ≥27.0 MET h/week or missing), multivitamin use (yes/no), baseline hypertension, baseline hypercholesterolemia, updated BMI (<23.0, 23.0–24.9, 25.0–29.9, 30–34.9, and >35.0 kg/m2 or missing), total energy intake, and intake of fruits and vegetables. For fat-fat substitution, we further adjusted for other fats and total fats; for carbohydrate substitution, we further adjusted for energy from protein. Study estimates from the three cohorts were pooled by using a fixed-effects model. Black dots indicate point estimates; the horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; and the vertical dashed lines represent the reference lines for an HR of 1.