Overall profile of immune response after primary, secondary, or multiple 17DD vaccination for YF. A) Levels of 17DD-YF–specific neutralizing antibodies; B) 17DD-YF–specific phenotypic and functional biomarkers; and C) resultant memory status PRNT and EMCD8 measurement (PRNT and EMCD8) for individual participants. Results are expressed in reverse of serum dilution, percentage of participants with overlaid biomarker signatures, and resultant memory status at 1–5 years after primary (gray circle), secondary (gray square), or multiple (gray diamond) vaccination. Participant subgroups indicate number of days or years since vaccination (in parentheses; d0 for those never vaccinated). #PV, had primary vaccination >10 years previously; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; NV, not vaccinated; PRNT, plaque-reducing neutralization test; PV, had primary vaccination only; RV, revaccinated; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; YF, yellow fever.