Baseline PRNT reactivity before revaccination (A) and impact on PRNT levels triggered by secondary 17DD vaccination for YF (B, C). Subgroups PRNT– (circles) and PRNT+ (squares) were defined considering the cutoff criterion for PRNT positivity at serum dilution >1:50. The ability of secondary vaccination to increase the levels of neutralizing antibodies as well as the magnitude of changes in PRNT titers (baseline fold changes) are indicated for PRNT– (filled circles) and PRNT+ (filled squares) vaccinees. Increases in PRNT titer by a factor of >4 at follow-up were considered as classical criteria to evaluate booster response. Bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) between subgroups. Participant subgroups indicate number of days or years since vaccination (in parentheses). #PV, had primary vaccination >10 years previously; PRNT, plaque-reducing neutralization test; RV, revaccinated; YF, yellow fever.