Impact of baseline plaque-reducing neutralization test (PRNT) reactivity on memory-related biomarkers triggered by secondary 17DD vaccination for YF. We assessed the impact of secondary vaccination on phenotypic and functional biomarkers in participants with negative (A) and positive (B) PRNT results. Shading indicates time point after primary vaccination for each biomarker: white for participants who were vaccinated >10 years previously, and black for those who were revaccinated in the previous 30–45 days. The dashed line shows the global median >50th percentile. Boldface text indicates the 3 biomarkers considered relevant universal attributes to monitor 17DD-YF–specific memory (EMCD4, EMCD8, IFNCD8). Participant subgroups indicate number of days or years since vaccination (in parentheses). #PV, had primary vaccination >10 years previously; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; RV, revaccinated; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; YF, yellow fever.