Figure 3.
Cumming plots of DTI and neuropathology metrics. Raw ROI data of mean DTI scalars (FA, MD), of optical density (GFAP and LFB stains), and neuronal density (NeuN stain) are shown for tuber (green) and cortex (blue), perituber (orange), and white matter (red) tissue types. For each tissue type, summary measurements (mean ± standard deviation) are shown as gapped lines, and the number of ROIs is indicated on the x‐axis. Below each scatterplot the mean differences with the shared control (tuber) are plotted as bootstrap sampling distributions. The mean difference is depicted as a dot; the 95% confidence interval is indicated by the ends of the vertical error bar, and the filled gray curve represents the distribution of the effect size. FA fractional anisotropy; MD mean diffusivity; LFB luxol fast blue; GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein; NeuN neuronal nuclei stain; OD optical density.