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. 2013 Mar 14;36(5):280–285. doi: 10.1002/clc.22112

Table 4.

Cost of Management per Year per Person and Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis (Healthcare Provider's Perspective)

Cost Dabigatran (n = 122) Warfarin (n = 122) P Value
Median total cost (25th, 75th percentile), US$ 461 (341, 886) 1306 (914, 2584) <0.001a
Median clinic visit cost (25th, 75th percentile), US$ 430 (321, 748) 932 (602, 1727) <0.001a
       GOPCb 0–212 0–85 0.191
       FMb 0–622 0–802 0.576
       SOPC 388 (292, 591) 713 (491, 983) <0.001a
       A&Eb 0–210 0–673 0.012c
       Inpatientb 0–14 323 0–40 617 <0.001a
Median investigation cost (25th, 75th percentile), US$ 16 (0, 57) 325 (195, 526) <0.001a
       Laboratory test 16 (0, 57) 325 (195, 524) <0.001a
       Proceduresb 0–1575 0–1579 0.995
Treatment cost, US$b 0–232 6–40 <0.001a
       Drug costb 0 6–40 <0.001a
       Side effectsb 0–232 0–21 0.071
Cost‐effective analysis
       ICER, US$ per cardiac event prevented −34 350 (dabigatran dominant)
       ICER, US$ per bleeding event prevented −10 305 (dabigatran dominant)

Abbreviations: A&E, accident and emergency; FM, family medicine; GOPC, general outpatient clinic; ICER, incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio; SOPC, specialist outpatient clinic.


P ≤ 0.01.


If the median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile are all zero, the range is shown. c P < 0.05.