Figure 4.
Treg cells and Foxp3lo TregP cells show different localization in the thymus. a) Top left panels, representative histocytometry dot plots of thymocytes stained with antibodies to CD25, Foxp3 and TCRβ used to denote Foxp3lo TregP cells (CD25−Foxp3+TCRβ+) and Treg cells (CD25+Foxp3+TCRβ+) within stained thymic sections. Bottom left panels, representative images of Foxp3lo TregP cells and Treg cells. Right panels, thymic sections stained with antibodies to TCRb and RORgt used to delineate the thymic medulla (M) and cortex (C). Distribution of CD25+Foxp3+TCRβ+ Treg cells (blue) and CD25−Foxp3+TCRβ+ Foxp3lo TregP cells (orange) within the thymic medulla and cortex (right). Scale bar represents 200μm. b) Distribution of Foxp3lo TregP cells and Treg cells between thymic cortex and medulla, p value determined by Fisher’s exact test. Data represents 1 experiment, n=2 mice. ***P<0.0001.