Figure 4.
17 resting connections showed high correlations (r>0.5) with the age-corrected PCPS scores in 52 TLE patients. The picture contains 16 cortical connections, excluding one connection between right middle insula and left caudate (r=−0.51). Red lines indicate positive correlation (stronger connection in high performing patients) and vice versa for the blue lines. Line thickness corresponds to the relative strengths of correlation. The 3 most significant (r>0.6, pFDR=0.057) were connections between right parieto-occipital sulcus area 2 (POS2) and right middle insular area (MI), and between the primary visual cortices (V1) in both hemispheres and left area 6m anterior (6ma, SMA). The background brain images were generated with the Connectome Workbench and from Glasser et al. (Glasser et al., 2016).