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. 2019 Jul 9;16(13):2430. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16132430

Table 8.

Pearson’s correlation coefficients between parameters of sewage sludge and concentrations of heavy metal fractions.

Cd F1 F2 F3 F4
ph -* −0.2487 0.3950 0.6567
Eh -* −0.6903 −0.3144 0.1519
DM -* 0.0675 0.6888 0.2389
OM -* 0.0493 0.6342 0.1709
Cr F1 F2 F3 F4
pH 0.0624 -* 0.7280 0.6414
Eh −0.1557 -* 0.0872 0.0460
DM 0.8499 -* 0.3444 0.3007
OM 0.8356 -* 0.2720 0.2303
Cu F1 F2 F3 F4
ph −0.8119 −0.5937 0.4028 0.7781
Eh −0.4887 −0.2252 −0.2829 0.2106
DM 0.3224 −0.1630 0.4778 0.1323
OM 0.3957 −0.1056 0.4206 0.0513
Ni F1 F2 F3 F4
ph 0.1668 0.6162 0.8836 0.5867
Eh −0.4328 0.2535 0.6893 −0.1007
DM 0.7112 −0.3795 −0.1092 0.3833
OM 0.6677 −0.4475 −0.1637 0.3164
Pb F1 F2 F3 F4
ph 0.1932 −0.6909 −0.1555 0.6942
Eh 0.4488 −0.5595 −0.4874 0.1307
DM 0.0486 0.0129 0.3426 0.2183
OM 0.0694 0.0776 0.3361 0.1439
Zn F1 F2 F3 F4
ph −0.6627 0.7872 0.5452 0.7196
Eh −0.9238 0.4600 −0.1032 0.1377
DM 0.4299 −0.0416 0.5198 0.2137
OM 0.4601 −0.1153 0.4616 0.1389

Bold—significant correlations at p < 0.05; * Concentration of heavy metal below the limit of detection at all sampling points (no statistical analysis).