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. 2019 Jul 23;26(1):1073274819865281. doi: 10.1177/1073274819865281

Table 4.

Odds Ratio and Associated 95% Confident Intervals of Thymoma Diagnostic Probability According to Imaging Parameters.

Qualitative parameter MRI CT
OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Shape (gland vs mass) 41.43 0.07-2542.00 11.72 1.33-103.20
Location (superior vs inferior) 10.11 0.00-536.00 - -
Position (middle vs right, left) 1.15 0.00-334.49 3.69 0.70-19.46
Necrosis, cyst (no vs yes) - - - -
SI T2 fat suppression (low vs high) - - - -
SI loss (yes vs no) - - - -
CSR (per 0.1) 8.80 1.36-56.93 - -
Attenuation (fat soft tissue, mixed) - - 1.73 0.66-4.50
Radiodensity (per 10 HU) - - 1.07 0.82-1.40

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; CSR, chemical shift ratio; CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; OR, odds ratio; SI, signal intensity.