Figure 2.
Changes in scores on joint ultrasonography (44 joints). A total of 44 joints were assessed with ultrasonography. The joint ultrasonography image shows significant improvement with time by baricitinib administration in the GS and PD examinations. Before introducing baricitinib: GS, 30 points, and PD, 23 points, with a total of 53 points. At 4 weeks after the introduction of baricitinib: GS, 23 points, and PD, 12 points, with a total of 35 points. At 24 weeks after the introduction of baricitinib: GS, 14 points, and PD, 7 points, with a total of 21 points. At 52 weeks after the introduction of baricitinib: GS, 1 point, and PD, 0 points, with a total of 1 point. Evaluation of the 44 joints included the DAS44 index (both sides of the hands, finger MCP joint, and IP/PIP, elbow, shoulder, sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, knee, foot, and toe MTP joints). The severity grading of each joint in the GS and PD examinations was based on the classification by Szkudlarek et al. [8]. The total scores for each joint were calculated for GS and PD. GS: grayscale; PD: power Doppler; MCP: metacarpophalangeal; MTP: metatarsophalangeal; DAS44: disease activity score 44; IP: interphalangeal; PIP: proximal interphalangeal.