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. 2019 Jul 18;24(29):1800446. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.29.1800446

Table 3. Pneumococcal vaccination coverages with PPsV23, PCV13, dual vaccination, or any vaccine, by age subgroups and risk strata among adults aged over 50 years, Catalonia, Spain, 2017 (n = 2,057,656).

Age groups PPsV23 PCV13 PCV13 + PPsV23 PCV13 or PPsV23
n % n % n % n %
Aged 50–64years
Healthy (n = 595,395) 25,157 4.2 705 0.1 300 0.1 25,562 4.3
At-riska (n = 385,743) 58,318 15.1 1,097 0.3 615 0.2 58,800 15.2
High-riskb (n = 58,734) 11,934 20.3 2,448 4.2 1,687 2.9 12,695 21.6
All (n = 1,039,872) 95,409 9.2 4,250 0.4 2,602 0.3 97,057 9.3
Aged ≥ 65years
Healthy (n = 459,714) 275,700 60.0 1,607 0.3 1,371 0.3 275,936 60.0
At-riska (n = 414,456) 315,897 76.2 3,581 0.9 3,298 0.8 316,180 76.3
High-riskb (n = 143,614) 109,873 76.5 4,169 2.9 3,793 2.6 110,249 76.8
All (n = 1,017,784) 701,470 68.9 9,357 0.9 8,462 0.8 702,365 69.0
Overall (≥ 50years)
Healthy (n = 1,055,109) 300,857 28.5 2,312 0.2 1,671 0.2 301,498 28.6
At-riska (n = 800,199) 374,215 46.8 4,678 0.6 3,913 0.5 374,980 46.9
High-riskb (n = 202,348) 121,807 60.2 6,617 3.3 5,480 2.7 122,944 60.8
All (n = 2,057,656) 796,879 38.7 13,607 0.7 11,064 0.5 799,422 38.9

PPsV23: 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; PCV13: 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.

a Individuals considered at risk include immunocompetent persons with any of the following conditions: immunocompromising conditions, chronic pulmonary/respiratory diseases, heart diseases, chronic renal disease, diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, alcoholism and/or smoking.

b Individuals considered at high risk are immunocompromised persons.