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. 2019 Mar 15;20(6):801–817. doi: 10.1007/s10198-019-01043-4

Table 4.

Estimates from pooled models and restricted FE models

Pooled models Restricted FE models
Probabilities Case numbers Probabilities Case numbers
Logit Poisson Logit Poisson
Odds ratio Multipl. effect Odds ratio Multipl. effect
Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE
Death 1.012 (0.017)
Inpatient care
 Overall 0.994 (0.005) 0.986** (0.006) 0.985** (0.006) 0.981*** (0.006)
 Not PAH 1.003 (0.005) 0.994 (0.007) 0.998 (0.006) 0.989 (0.007)
 PAH 0.939*** (0.012) 0.936*** (0.011) 0.916*** (0.013) 0.936*** (0.014)
Outpatient care
 Overall non-lab. 1.169*** (0.004) 1.181*** (0.004) 1.231*** (0.005) 1.192*** (0.004)
 Overall lab. 1.078*** (0.004) 1.124*** (0.006) 1.109*** (0.005) 1.147*** (0.006)

Probability of not PAH refers to the probability that all inpatient stays are not PAH in a year

See Table 1 for baseline probabilities and case numbers. Baseline probability of death: 1.2%

Cluster-robust standard errors are displayed for all models apart from FE logit

Controls for pooled models: cubic age interacted with gender, calendar year dummies, micro-region of residence, and health care supply variables

Controls for FE models: fixed effects, cubic age, calendar year dummies, and health care supply variables

Restricted FE models are estimated on the sample of those who did not die in the examined period

Number of observations: 7,412,000. Number of periods: 8. Number of people: 1,037,000

PAH potentially avoidable hospitalization

***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1