Figure 1. Vector expression and efficiency in vivo.
Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) was performed at days 1, 3, 9, and 15 after intravenous injection of MC-Luc. Subsequently, BLI was performed with the Xenogen In Vivo Imaging System with administration of D-Luciferin at a dose of 375 mg/kg of body weight.
A) Localization and intensity of bioluminescence.
B) Quantification of bioluminescence per organ
C) IL-10 plasma levels of mice at d7 after transfection with MC IL-10; n=5 per group, ** = p≤0.01.
D) Gene expression analysis (q-rtPCR) of IL-10 after 28days of AngII treatment in homogenized tissue
E) Gene expression of splenic tissue for IL-10, foxp3 and TNF at d28 after AngII infusion.