Figure 3. T lymphocyte presence and differentiation in aortic tissue.
At day 7 after aneurysm induction (d14 after transfection with MC) aortic tissue was harvested, lysed and analyzed via flow cytometry to characterize T cell differentiation. A and B include representative flow cytometry graphs and histograms; n=4/5/4; n=5/6/5
A) Percentage of CD4+/CD25+/Foxp3 of CD45+/CD3+ cells in untreated animals, AngII-infused controls and AngII-infused/MC-IL10 transfected animals; ** = p≤0.01 vs. AngII, ## = p≤0.01 vs. untreated.
B) Percentage of CD8+/GranzymeB+ of CD45+/CD3+ cells; ** = p≤0.01 vs. AngII MC IL-10, ## = p≤0.01 vs. untreated.
C) Ratio of CD4+/CD25+/Foxp3 over CD8+/GranzymeB+ cell (Treg to cytotoxic T cell ratio), ** = p≤0.01 vs. AngII, ## = p≤0.01 vs. untreated.