Figure 5. T lymphocyte differentiation in human PBMCs after AngII priming and stimulation.
Human PBMCs were isolated and primed with AngII or AngII/IL-10 for 24 hours before cells were activated with LPS (24h) to further evaluate gene expression of T cell characterizing markers; n=9/18/19
A) Relative expression of FOXP3 over GAPDH in unprimed, AngII-primed, and AngII/IL-10 primed PBMCs; ## = p≤0.01 vs. untreated; p=.0.07 in AngII IL-10 vs. AngII.
B) Relative expression of GranzymeB (GZMB) in unprimed, AngII, AngII/IL-10 PBMCs; * = p≤0.05 vs. AngII.
C) Ratio (relative expression) of FOXP3 over GRZB; * = p≤0.05 vs. AngII.