Figure 6. Estradiol Regulates Satellite Cell Number Cell Autonomously through ERα.
(A) Total number of ZsGreen+ satellite cells in five muscles of Pax7+/+;Esr1fl/fl;Pax7-ZsGreen (scERαWT; n = 6) and Pax7CreERT2/+;Esr1fl/fl;Pax7-ZsGreen (scERαKO; n = 6) mice.
(B) Muscle masses.
(C) Total number of ZsGreen+ cells normalized to muscle mass.
(D) Total number of satellite cells quantified by lineage negative;VCAM,alpha7 double-positive cells in two muscles of scERαWT (n = 6), scERαKO (n = 4), scERαKO+Ovx (n = 5), and scERαKO+Ovx+17β-estradiol (scERαKO+Ovx+E2; n = 5).
(E) Muscle masses.
(F) Total number of satellite cells normalized to muscle masses.
(G) Total number of satellite cells isolated from TA muscles of Ovx mice without (n = 6) and with Bazedoxifine (Ovx+BZA; n = 5) treatment (p = 0.055).
(H) scERαWT and scERαKO transplantation scheme.
(I) Quantification of ZsGreen+ donor satellite cells in control recipient TA muscles following transplantation.
*p < 0.05 by Student’s t tests (A–C, G, and I) *p < 0.05 ANOVA, Holm-Sidak post hoc tests are indicated by *, different from scERαWT (D–F)