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. 2018 Jul 9;6(3):209–217. doi: 10.1093/nop/npy022

Table 2a.

Univariate Kaplan-Meier Analysis on Tumor Progression-Free Survival for Categorical Variables

Covariate Levels PFS (years) Survival 95% Lower 95% Upper P-value
Tumor Location Frontal 2 .903 .816 .950 .918
5 .643 .526 .738
Insula 2 .833 .273 .975
5 .500 .111 .804
Parietal 2 .900 .656 .974
5 .526 .284 .721
Temporal 2 .829 .637 .925
5 .563 .358 .725
Extent of Resection Subtotal 2 .898 .814 .946 .835
5 .616 .503 .712
Gross-total 2 .858 .725 .930
5 .578 .424 .704
Seizure Frequency 6 Months Preop None 2 .935 .766 .983 .697
5 .630 .418 .783
Single 2 .899 .774 .957
5 .621 .467 .742
Few 2 .759 .513 .892
5 .701 .448 .854
Several 2 .893 .738 .958
5 .514 .344 .660
Seizure Frequency 6 Months Postopa None 2 .931 .852 .968 .114
5 .642 .526 .736
Single 2 1.00 . .
5 .667 .337 .860
Few 2 .765 .488 .904
5 .510 .254 .718
Several 2 .882 .606 .969
5 .588 .325 .778
Seizure Frequency 6 Months Postop (Categorized Into 2 Groups)a None/Single 2 .939 .870 .972 .017
5 .644 .537 .733
Few/Several 2 .824 .650 .917
5 .549 .367 .699
Seizure Frequency Change from 6 Months Preop to Postopa None/Single → None/ Single 2 .984 .889 .998 .038
5 .667 .528 .773
None/Single → Few/ Several 2 .750 .463 .898
5 .545 .274 .753
Few/Several → None/ Single 2 .865 .805 .941
5 .609 .430 .747
Few/Several → Few/ Several 2 .889 .624 .971
5 .556 .305 .748

Abbreviations: min, minimum; max, maximum; PFS, progression-free survival; Postop, postoperatively; preop, preoperatively.

aPatients with tumor recurrence, lost to follow-up or deceased within 6 months postoperatively were excluded (n = 10).