Expression of mRNA transcripts for the PGDP receptors (A) Glp2r, (B) Glp1r, (D) Gcgr, and (C) Gipr along the murine GI tract, assessed by quantitative RT-PCR analysis of total RNA. Transcript abundance is expressed relative to the levels of the Rpl32 mRNA, which was used as endogenous normalization control. Data are means ± SD (n = 6 mice). (E) Glp2r mRNA expression, assessed by quantitative RT-PCR in total RNA from the indicated mouse extra-GI tissues. Glp2r transcript abundance is reported as threshold cycle (Ct) values without endogenous control normalization. Levels of jejunum Glp2r mRNA transcripts without normalization (red filled bar) are shown for comparison. Data are means ± SD (n = 6 mice). (F) Glp1r, Glp2r, and Gipr expression in isolated pancreatic islets from WT mice. Transcript abundance is expressed relative to the levels of Tbp mRNA. Shown are individual data points with overlapping means ± SD (n = 9 independent islet preparations). 2−ΔCt, comparative threshold cycle method; AL, axillary lymph node; Aorta (abd), abdominal aorta; Aorta (thor), thoracic aorta; art, artery; C Cortex, cerebral cortex; Cec, cecum; Cerebel, cerebellum; Corp, stomach corpus; Duo, duodenum; Eso, esophagus; fSto, forestomach; Gallblad, gallbladder; Hypothal, hypothalamus; IL, inguinal lymph node; Ile, ileum; Jej, jejunum; mCol, medial colon; Mesent, mesenteric; ML, mesenteric lymph node; ND, not detectable; Panc, pancreas; pCol, proximal colon; Perigon, perigonadal; Rect, rectum; Sk muscle, skeletal muscle (quadriceps); U bladd, urinary bladder; Uter horn, uterine horn.