Except where indicated, all strains were grown in CH medium. For
b–f, the median width of WT B. subtilis
grown in CH is depicted by dashed line, grey shading indicates 25–75
percentiles. For details regarding statistics and box plot definitions, see the
“Statistics” subheading
in “Methods”.
a. Diagram depicting the two peptidoglycan synthesis systems
responsible for elongation.
Bottom - schematic of each system’s in
vivo motions.
b. B. subtilis expressing B.
megaterium mreB forms rods close to B.
subtilis width. “B. sub”
is WT B. subtilis. “B.
meg” is B.
megaterium. Checkered boxes are bMD465 (amyE::erm
Pxyl-mreBCD minCDB. megaterium,
ΔmreBCD ΔminCD::spc mreBCD
minCDB. megaterium), a B.
subtilis strain where the native mreBCD minCD
operon was replaced with the same operon from B. megaterium,
and an additional B. megaterium mreBCD minCD operon under
xylose control at an ectopic locus. “w/B. meg
mreB” was grown with 1% glucose to repress ectopic expression.
“w/2× B. meg mreB” was grown with 30 mM
xylose to overexpress the ectopic B. megaterium mreB
c–f. Titrations of ponA and
mreBCD vs. cell width. Strains were grown with
the inducer concentrations below each graph. Width plotted on left, mean MreB
and PBP1 relative abundances (determined by mass spectrometry, normalized to
levels in WT cells grown in CH) on right. Arrowheads are inductions producing WT
widths and protein levels. Supplementary Figure 3c shows effects on cell length.
c. Diameter decreases with mreBCD
Inductions of bMD545 (amyE::erm Pxyl-mreBCD,
ΔmreBCD::spc), except for those marked
* which are bMK355 (amyE::erm Pxyl-mreBCD)
containing a xylose-inducible mreBCD in addition to native
mreBCD. Right is a zoomed view of highest 5 inductions.
Supplementary Figure
shows MreB levels determined by western blot across the entire range.
d. Cell diameter increases with ponA
induction. “KO” is bMK005
(ΔponA::cat). Inductions of bMD598
(yhdG::cat Pspank-ponA,
ΔponA::kan), except for the those marked
† and ‡, which are under stronger
promoters; † is bMD586 (yhdG::cat
Phyperspank-ponA, ΔponA::kan),
‡ is bMD554 (yhdG::cat
Phyperspank-ponA) which has an inducible ponA in
addition to the native copy.
e. Balanced expression of both PG synthetic systems yields normal width
across a large range.
Dual inductions of bMD620 (amyE::erm Pxyl-mreBCD,
ΔmreBCD::spc, yhdH::cat Pspank-ponA,
ΔponA::kan). * indicates bMD622
(amyE::erm Pxyl-mreBCD, yhdG::cat Pspank-ponA,
ΔponA::kan) with a xylose-inducible
mreBCD in addition to native mreBCD.
f. WT B. subtilis maintains constant width in different
g. WT width is maintained within a narrow range of relative
PBP1/MreB ratios. Plotted are mean widths (error bars are SD) of
cells from c–f against the ratio of fold change in PBP1 to
MreB. Inset shows zoomed view of box. Lines indicate mean WT width and PBP1/MreB
h. Model for how the two PG synthesis systems affect rod
Top – As circumferentially organized PG synthesis
increases (blue arrows), cell diameter decreases. Middle
– As non-circumferential synthesis increases (orange squiggles), so does
cell diameter. Bottom – As long as non-circumferential
and circumferential synthesis is balanced, width remains constant, even across a
range of protein levels.