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. 2019 Jul 12;6:692–702. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2019.06.020

Table 4.

Hematological parameters in rats treated orally with unadulterated Lime Essential oil at sub-acute (+SEM) (n = 10).

Hematological Parameters Determined Dosages (mg/kg BW)
Normal control Low(50) Medium (100) High (500) cReference range
RBCs (M/u) 3.97+ 0.01 6.68+0.02*** 6.95+0.01*** 7.55+0.03*** 4.3–6.46
Hematocrit (%) 33.80+0.06 38.70+0.06*** 38.10+0.06*** 39.80+0.12 *** 39–47
MCV (fL) 85.30+0.06 57.90+0.26*** 55.90+0.29*** 52.70+0.12*** 70–88
Hemoglobin(g/dL) 13.60+0.17 12.80+0.12 ns 7.70+0.12*** 13.30+0.06 ns 12.3–17.5
MCH (pg) 34.20+0.12 19.30+0.12*** 19.50 +0.06*** 17.60+0.06*** 25-31
MCHC (g/dL) 40.20+0.12 33.30+0.17*** 34.8+0.06*** 33.40+0.23*** 32-39
Platelet (105/μL) 6.13+0.56 7.52+ 1.16*** 6.32+1.16*** 9.67+0.58*** 8.00–9.00
Lymphocytes (%) 35.20+0.06 75.50+0.29*** 66.00+0.29*** 79.50+0.29*** 63–93
MID (%) 15.90+0.12 2.70+ 0.06*** 1.10+0.06*** 0.80+0.03*** 13.0-16.0

RBC = red blood cells, MCV = mean corpuscular volume, MCH = mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCHC = mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, MID = multi-infarct dementia. Note: Significant difference between Control group and Experimental group: ns implies non-significant difference; (*) = P < 0.05, (**) = P=<0.01, and (***) = P<0.001 [65,66]c.

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