Table 4.
Respiratory function. Respiratory function is analysed as soon as possible after the participant is able to breathe independently. There are no respiratory function measures for the six participants who died during the study. See the section “Analysis” for further information relating to who participated in respiratory function measurements. Analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test. All data are shown as: Median (interquartile range (IQR)) [number of participants providing data (N)]. MIP maximum inspiratory pressure, MEP maximum expiratory pressure, PEF peak expiratory flow, FVC forced vital capacity, FEV1 forced exhaled volume in 1 s
Active (median (IQR) [N]) | Control (median (IQR) [N]) | p value | |
MIP (cmH2O) | 29.0 (26.75) [N = 6] | 32.5 (9.50) [N = 4] | 0.762 |
MEP (cmH2O) | 35.5 (12.75) [N = 6] | 26.0 (4.00) [N = 4] | 0.283 |
PEF (L/min) | 127.5 (62.5) [N = 7] | 50.0 (55.00) [N = 5] | 0.061 |
FVC (L) | 1.3 (0.58) [N = 7] | 0.9 (0.90) [N = 5] | 0.371 |
FEV1 (L) | 0.9 (0.48) [N = 7] | 0.6 (0.70) [N = 5] | 0.371 |