Positive correlation between OMI/HTRA2 and neurotrophic factors at both the gene expression and protein levels. OMI/HTRA2, NGF, and BDNF gene expression and protein levels were quantified in AD subjects’ (n = 6) and non-demented controls’ (n = 6) postmortem brain, in medial frontal gyrus (MFG), superior temporalis gyrus (STG), and superior parietal gyrus (SPG) brain regions. a–d Graphs showing the positive correlation between OMI/HTRA2 gene expression and NGF gene expression, in the average of the three analyzed brain regions (a) and in each region separately (b–d). e Graph showing the positive correlation between s-NGF and activated OMI/HTRA2 protein levels in the SPG region. f–i Graphs showing the positive correlation between OMI/HTRA2 gene expression and BDNF gene expression, in the average of the three analyzed brain regions (f) and in each region separately (g–i). NGF = nerve growth factor, BDNF = brain-derived neurotrophic factor, s-NGF = amount of NGF measured in the soluble brain extract