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. 2018 Jul 17;64(3):213–221. doi: 10.5606/tftrd.2018.1687

Table 4. Demographic, clinical and laboratory parameters of faller and non-faller in patients.

  Fallers in patients (n=34) Non-fallers in patients (n=86)  
  Mean±SD Median Min-Max Mean±SD Median Min-Max p
Age (year) 56.50±8.91 56 29-76 53.86±9.73 54 25-78 0,149
Body Mass Index (kg/m²) 30.55±3.80 30 21-38 28.37±3.93  28 20-38 0,006
RA disease duration (year) 12.12±8.62 10 0,8-30 9.96±7.91 7 0,8-30 0,178
Duration of biologic agents usage (year) 3.38±2.23 3 0,5-10 2.71±1.69 3 0,5-8 0,156
Pain Visual Analog Scale (0-100 mm) 56.17±21.32 50 10-90 43.60±22.59 40 10-90 0,005
Patient Global Assessment (0-100 mm) 52.94±19.15 50 10-90 40.05±20.38 40 10-90 0,001
HAQ score (0-3) 0.88± 0.65 0,77 0-2,25 0.46±0.62 0,15 0-2,40 0,001
Disease Activity Score in 28 joints 3.94±1.46 3,7 1.8-7.5 3.47±1.23 3,26 1.2-7.2 0,094
FES-I score (0-64)  28.00±7.54 26 16-45 21.45±7.38 19 1-30 <0.001
One Leg Stand Test (seconds) 9.92±10.56 5 1-30 22.64±10.58 30 1-30 0,015
Berg Balance Scale score (0-56) 43.97±8.22 43 29-56 50.38±8.50 55 8-56 <0.001
10-Meter Walk Test (seconds) 9.29±5.23 8 5-30 7.06±2.57 6,5 4-20 0,002
Beck Anxiety Index score (0-63) 13.23±6.06 12 3-27    9.08±7.45 8 0-37 0,001
Beck Depression Index score (0-63) 15.64±6.07 16 0-26 11.13±7.38 10 0-28 0,002
ESR (0-20 mm/h) 29.05±16.64 32 5-60 29.39±21.32 24 3-101 0,660
C-reactive Protein (0-35 mg/dL) 1.03±1.40 0,55 0.15-6.59 4.40±11.84 0,63 0,05-82 0,452
SD: Standard deviation; Min: Minimum; Max: Maximum; RA: Rheumatoid arthritis; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire; FES-I: Fall Efficacy Scale-International; ESR: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; P value <0.05 significant.