a, Comparison of geometric mean IC50 values
for V3-glycan patch bNAbs (10–1074 and PGT121) and a N156
glycan-dependent V1V2 bNAb (BG1) evaluated against HIV-1 strains either
containing or not containing a PNGS at the indicated positions (number of
HIV-1 strains indicated in the parentheses). IC50values >
50 μg/mL set to 50 μg/mL for geometric mean calculations.
Whereas V3-glycan patch bNAbs show enhanced neutralization upon removal of
the N156 glycan, removal of nearby glycans (N137, N301) diminished or had
little effect on neutralization. b, Graphs of ELISA data
showing binding of different classes of bNAbs to RC1, RC1–4fill, and
BG505. bNAbs were evaluated at 5μg/ml and seven additional 3-fold
dilutions.n=2. RC1 and RC1-fill show similar binding patterns for V3-glycan
patch bNAbs, CD4-binding site bNAbs (CD4bs), gp120-gp41 interface bNAbs, but
not to BG1, a V1V2 bNAb that interacts with the N156 glycan (see panel