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. 2019 Jun 14;7(7):2436–2447. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.1112

Table 5.

Effects of cottonseed oil (CSO) and cottonseed meal (CSM) supplementation on egg yolk texture propertiesa

Item HARD, g ADHE, g·s SPRI, mm COHE RESI CHEW, g·s
CON 338.3ab 1.184 0.808ab 0.706a 0.417a 207.0a
O0M6 336.8ab 1.234 0.797a 0.708ab 0.420a 201.7a
O0M12 335.6a 1.183 0.810ab 0.721abc 0.417a 206.0a
O2M0 360.5abc 1.086 0.821ab 0.727abc 0.438ab 228.4ab
O2M6 367.3abc 1.091 0.839ab 0.754abc 0.448ab 241.3abc
O2M12 379.3bc 1.076 0.838ab 0.772bc 0.466b 258.4bc
O4M0 399.6c 1.041 0.846b 0.768c 0.475b 276.7c
O4M6 403.1c 0.988 0.842ab 0.752bc 0.469b 269.8bc
O4M12 371.1abc 1.095 0.831ab 0.774c 0.468b 250.0bc
SEM 3.576 0.022 0.004 0.005 0.003 3.541
p‐Value <0.001 0.326 0.005 0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Levels of CSO, %
0 336.9a 1.201b 0.805a 0.712a 0.418a 204.9a
2 369.0b 1.084ab 0.833b 0.751b 0.450b 242.6b
4 391.0c 1.042a 0.840b 0.764b 0.471c 265.3c
Levels of CSM, %
0 365.5 1.104 0.825 0.733 0.443 236.9
6 368.8 1.106 0.826 0.738 0.445 237.4
12 361.9 1.118 0.826 0.756 0.450 238.0
Storage methodc
RT0W 391.4b 1.137ab 0.807a 0.673a 0.400a 228.2b
RT2W 281.0a 1.181b 0.806a 0.736b 0.414a 171.6a
CS2W 428.3b 1.016a 0.860b 0.805c 0.516b 310.6c
Source of variances, p‐value
CSO <0.001 0.019 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
CSM 0.487 0.966 0.980 0.099 0.466 0.982
Storage <0.001 0.014 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
CSO × CSM 0.003 0.830 0.410 0.540 0.185 0.003
CSO × Storage <0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
CSM × Storage 0.846 0.364 0.357 0.597 0.608 0.993

a‐cMeans within a column marked with different superscripts differ significantly at p < 0.05.

Abbreviation: SEM, standard error of the mean.


ADHE, adhesiveness; CHEW, chewiness; COHE, cohesiveness; HARD, hardness; RESI, resilience; SPRI, springiness.


CON, control diet; O0M6, diet with 0% cottonseed oil and 6% cottonseed meal; O0M12, diet with 0% cottonseed oil and 12% cottonseed meal; O2M0, diet with 2% cottonseed oil and 0% cottonseed meal; O2M6, diet with 2% cottonseed oil and 6% cottonseed meal; O2M12, diet with 2% cottonseed oil and 12% cottonseed meal; O4M0, diet with 4% cottonseed oil and 0% cottonseed meal; O4M6, diet with 4% cottonseed oil and 6% cottonseed meal; O4M12, diet with 4% cottonseed oil and 12% cottonseed meal.


RT0W, room temperature stored 0 weeks; RT2W, room temperature stored 2 weeks; CS2W, cold stored 2 weeks.