Table 4. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for heterozygosity excess for the 35 B. tabaci MED populations.
Population | WILCOXON Tests * (Heterozygosity Excess p-values) |
Mode-Shift | ||
IAM | TPM | SMM | ||
16'JJ | 0.94531 | 0.97266 | 0.98047 | Normal |
16'JIN | 0.84375 | 0.99609 | 1.00000 | Normal |
16'CW | 0.03711 | 0.52734 | 0.72656 | Normal |
16'BUS | 0.01953 | 0.19147 | 0.52734 | Normal |
16'GH | 0.12500 | 0.37109 | 0.96289 | Normal |
16'MY | 0.67969 | 0.97266 | 0.99023 | Normal |
16'JE | 0.14844 | 0.59375 | 0.07813 | Normal |
16'SC | 0.52734 | 0.76953 | 0.99609 | Normal |
16'GJ | 0.00781 | 0.01172 | 0.05469 | Shifted mode |
16'BS | 0.32031 | 0.97266 | 0.99414 | Normal |
16'IS | 0.27344 | 0.76953 | 0.99023 | Normal |
16'AD | 0.62891 | 0.99414 | 1.00000 | Normal |
16'BY | 0.37109 | 0.97266 | 1.00000 | Normal |
16'CY | 0.01953 | 0.15625 | 0.52734 | Normal |
16'SJ | 0.32031 | 0.80859 | 0.98633 | Normal |
16'CC | 0.72656 | 0.97266 | 0.99609 | Normal |
16'PT | 0.12500 | 0.37109 | 0.84375 | Normal |
17'JJ | 0.42188 | 0.76953 | 0.84375 | Normal |
17'JIN | 0.28906 | 0.46875 | 0.65625 | Normal |
17'MY | 0.46875 | 0.76563 | 0.96094 | Normal |
17'BUS | 0.03906 | 0.65625 | 0.94531 | Normal |
17'SJ | 0.52734 | 0.67969 | 0.98047 | Normal |
17'SC | 0.32031 | 0.52734 | 0.76953 | Normal |
17'BS | 0.65625 | 0.96094 | 0.97266 | Normal |
17'GJ | 0.00781 | 0.01563 | 0.07813 | Normal |
17'JE | 0.40625 | 0.81250 | 0.94531 | Normal |
17'IS | 0.40625 | 0.65625 | 0.81250 | Normal |
17'CY | 0.03906 | 0.28906 | 0.94531 | Normal |
17'PT | 0.34375 | 0.46875 | 0.46875 | Normal |
17'CC | 0.15625 | 0.47266 | 0.76953 | Normal |
18'SC | 0.05469 | 0.23438 | 0.28906 | Normal |
18'BS | 0.57813 | 0.78125 | 0.96094 | Normal |
18'SJ | 0.23438 | 0.34375 | 0.65625 | Normal |
18'PT | 0.01953 | 0.18750 | 0.40625 | Shifted mode |
18'JJ | 0.34375 | 0.65625 | 0.65625 | Normal |
Infinite allele model (IAM), two-phase model (TPM), and stepwise mutation model (SMM) for detection of a recent population bottleneck event within each B. tabaci MED population.
*One-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test; Bolded numbers indicate they are significant at p < 0.05.