Figure 1.
Expression of Mfn2 was effectively abolished by 7 days of tamoxifen treatment in Mfn2 KO mice. (A) Original Western blots of Mfn2 and GAPDH in WT and Mfn2 KO mice exposed to tamoxifen for 0, 1, and 7 days. (B) Mfn2 normalized to GAPDH showing a significant decrease of Mfn2 in tamoxifen-treated mice. (C) Fold change expression normalized to GAPDH of Mfn2 after 7 days of tamoxifen treatment compared to untreated WT measured by real-time PCR. (D) Expression level of RyR1, RyR2, MCU, and VDAC1 and VDAC 2 in WT and Mfn2 KO mice measured by real-time PCR. *p ≤ 0.05 compared to WT, **p ≤ 0.01 compared to WT.