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. 2019 Jul 15;8:e46683. doi: 10.7554/eLife.46683

Key resources table.

Reagent type
(species) or
Designation Source or
Identifiers Additional
Genetic reagent (M. musculus) Shhf/f Jackson Laboratories RRID:MGI:2165468
Genetic reagent (M. musculus) Olig2-Cre PMID: 18046410 Dr. Bennett G. Novitch (University of California, Los Angeles)
Genetic reagent (M. musculus) Arhgap36-/- This paper Exon2 targetting sgRNA made by ToolGEN, injected by KRIBB
Transfected construct (M. musculus) Arhgap36-(enhancer)2:LUC This paper Arhgap36 enhancer containing HxRE sequence cloned into TK-LUC vector
Transfected construct (M. musculus) Arhgap36-(enhancer)2:GFP This paper Arhgap36 enhancer containing HxRE sequence cloned into TATA-GFP vector
Transfected construct (R. norvegicus) Isl1 PMID: 22343290
Transfected construct (M. musculus) Lhx3 PMID: 22343290
Transfected construct (E. coli) β-galactosidase PMID: 22343290
Transfected construct (M. musculus) Arhgap36 Open Biosystems Accession: BC145645
Transfected construct (M. musculus) PKA WT PMID: 23644383
Transfected construct (M. musculus) PKA K73H PMID: 23644383
Transfected construct (M. musculus) AKT2 CA Addgene RRID:Addgene_9016 myristoylated form
Transfected construct (M. musculus) AKT2 DN Addgene RRID:Addgene_60128
Sequence-based reagent Shh shRNA_sense strand This paper PCR primers GAT CCA AGC TCT TCT ACG TCA TCG TTC AAG AGA CGA TGA CGT AGA AGA GCT TTT TTT A
Sequence-based reagent Shh shRNA_antisense strand This paper PCR primers AGC TTA AAA AAA GCT CTT CTA CGT CAT CGT CTC TTG AAC GAT GAC GTA GAA GAG CTT G
Sequence-based reagent Arhgap36 enhancer_F This paper PCR primers ACTGCCTATTCGCATCGGCCTTTGA, for cloning
Sequence-based reagent Arhgap36 enhancer_R This paper PCR primers TTCTGCGGAGCCATTAGTGCGATTG, for cloning
Sequence-based reagent mouse Arhgap36_F This paper PCR primers TGG GAT CCA AGA GGA AGA TG, for RT-PCR
Sequence-based reagent mouse Arhgap36_R This paper PCR primers CAG CCA CAT CAT GGA CAT TC, for RT-PCR
Sequence-based reagent mouse Cyclophilin A_F This paper PCR primers GTC TCC TTC GAG CTG TTT GC, for RT-PCR
Sequence-based reagent mouse Cyclophilin A_R This paper PCR primers GAT GCC AGG ACC TGT ATG CT, for RT-PCR
Sequence-based reagent mouse Arhgap36 enhancer_F This paper PCR primers ACC TTG TAG CAG GAC TGG GGT, for ChIP
Sequence-based reagent mouse Arhgap36 enhancer_R This paper PCR primers AGC CAT TAG TGC GAT TGC TCT, for ChIP
Sequence-based reagent Untr6_F PMID: 18854042 PCR primers TCA GGC ATG AAC CAC CAT AC, for ChIP
Sequence-based reagent Untr6_R PMID: 18854042 PCR primers AAC ATC CAC ACG TCC AGT GA, for ChIP
Antibody anti-Hb9/MNR2 (Mouse) DSHB DSHB Cat# 81.5C10, RRID:AB_2145209 IHC, 1:500
Antibody anti-Isl1
(Rabbit monoclonal)
Abcam Abcam Cat# ab109517, RRID:AB_10866454 IHC, 1:2000
Antibody anti-FoxP1
(Rabbit polyclonal)
Abcam Abcam Cat# ab16645, RRID:AB_732428 IHC, 1:1000
Antibody anti-Nkx2.2
(Mouse monoclonal)
DSHB DSHB Cat# 74.5A5, RRID:AB_531794 IHC, 1:100
Antibody anti-Pax6
(Mouse monoclonal)
DSHB DSHB Cat# pax6, RRID:AB_528427 IHC, 1:500
Antibody anti-Olig2
(Rabbit polyclonal)
Abcam Millipore Cat# AB15328, RRID:AB_2299035 IHC, 1:1000
Antibody anti-β-gal
(Chicken polyclonal)
Abcam Abcam Cat# ab9361, RRID:AB_307210 IHC, 1:5000
Antibody anti-Lhx3
(Rabbit polyclonal)
Abcam Abcam Cat# ab14555, RRID:AB_301332 IHC, 1:500
Antibody anti-nNOS
(Rabbit polyclonal)
Immunostar ImmunoStar Cat# 24287, RRID:AB_572256 IHC, 1:1000
Antibody anti-Chx10 (Guinea pig polyclonal) PMID: 18539116 IHC, 1:1000
Antibody anti-GFP
(Rabbit polyclonal)
Life Technologies Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A-11122, RRID:AB_221569 IHC, 1:1000
Antibody anti-Hb9
(Guinea pig polyclonal)
PMID: 30177510 IHC, 1:1000
rat Hb9 C-terminus (234–403 aa
Antibody anti-ARHGAP36
(Rabbit polyclonal)
This paper IHC, 1:2000
mouse ARHGAP36(201–590 aa)
Antibody anti-HA (Mouse monoclonal) Covance Covance Research Products Inc Cat# MMS-101R-500, RRID:AB_10063630 IP, IB, 1:5000
Antibody anti-Gli3
(Goat polyclonal)
R and D Systems R and D Systems Cat# AF3690, RRID:AB_2232499 IB, 1:250
Antibody anti-ARHGAP36 (Rabbit polyclonal) Sigma-Aldrich Sigma-Aldrich Cat# HPA002064, RRID:AB_1078891 IB, 1:2000
Antibody anti-β-tubulin
(Rabbit polyclonal)
Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-9104, RRID:AB_2241191 IB, 1:2000
Antibody anti-pSER Cell Signaling Cat. #9651 IB, 1:5000
Antibody anti-TuJ1 (Mouse monoclonal) Covance Covance Research Products Inc Cat# MMS-435P, RRID:AB_2313773 IB, 1:5000
IHC, 1:5000
Antibody anti-FoxP1
(Rabbit polyclonal)
abcam Abcam Cat# ab16645, RRID:AB_732428 IB, 1:1000
Antibody anti-pCREB
(Rabbit monoclonal)
Cell Signaling Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9198, RRID:AB_2561044 IB, 1:1000
Cell line (M. musculus) P19 ATCC ATCC Cat# CRL-1825, RRID:CVCL_2153 embryonic carcinoma cells
Cell line (Homo-sapiens) HEK293T ATCC ATCC Cat# CRL-3216, RRID:CVCL_0063
Cell line (M. musculus) A172L ESC PMID: 22343290, 22039605
Chemical compound, drug iAKT1/2 Sigma Aldrich A6730 10 μM
Chemical compound, drug SAG Calbiochem MER-566660 0.25 μM
Chemical compound, drug Lipofectamine 2000 Invitrogen Cat. 52887
Chemical compound, drug Superfect Qiagen Cat. 301307
Chemical compound, drug SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis System Invitrogen Cat. 18080085
Chemical compound, drug SYBR-Green kit Enzynomics RT501S
Software, algorithm GPS 3.0 PMID: 15980451