Table 1.
Module name | Performance objective: Patients need to... |
Balancing activity and rest | ...find balance between rest and activity; make choices when participating in daily life activities to keep balance |
Setting boundaries | ...set boundaries for their partner, relatives, colleagues and social environment |
Asking for help and social support | ...ask for social support or practical help from their partner, relatives, colleagues and social environment in daily life; ask for social support and practical help from colleagues; accept receiving social support or practical help from their partner, relatives, colleagues and social environment in daily life |
Use of medicines | ...take prescribed medication |
Communication with health professionals | ...prepare for a visit to a health professional; ask questions and/or express concerns during an appointment with a health professional |
Use of assistive devices | ...use, if necessary, assistive devices |
Performing physical exercises | ...perform daily physical exercises |
Coping with worries | ...cope with worries about RAa |
Coping with RA | ...cope with RA |
aRA: rheumatoid arthritis.