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. 2019 Jul 25;29:29. doi: 10.1038/s41533-019-0141-y

Table 1.

Respondents and nonrespondents to the two-year follow-up questionnaire from the PELAGIE mother–child cohort

Variable Analyzed subcohort Nonrespondents
n = 935 n = 2370
N (%) N (%) p-Value1
Maternal BMI at inclusion (kg/m²) 2
 <18.5 62 (6.6) 181 (7.7) 0.4
 18.5 ≤ BMI <25 720 (76.3) 1741 (74.2)
 25 ≤ BMI <30 122 (12.9) 302 (12.9)
 ≥30 40 (4.2) 123 (5.2)
Maternal age at inclusion (years)
 <30 423 (44.7) 1269 (53.5) <0.0001
 30 ≤ age < 35 371 (39.2) 790 (33.3)
 ≥35 152 (16.1) 311 (13.1)
Nulliparous 3
 Yes 386 (40.9) 1083 (45.9) 0.008
 No 559 (59.2) 1276 (54.1)
Maternal level of education 4
 Primary or secondary education 124 (13.1) 500 (21.2) <0.0001
 Baccalaureate 161 (17.0) 462 (19.6)
 Higher education 660 (69.8) 1401 (59.1)
Maternal smoking at inclusion 5
 Non smoker 732 (78.0) 1623 (69.3) <0.0001
 <10 cig/day 142 (15.1) 469 (20.0)
 ≥10 cig/day 64 (6.8) 249 (10.6)
Maternal alcohol consumption at inclusion 6
 Yes 138 (14.7) 345 (14.8) 1.0
 No 798 (85.2) 1193 (85.2)
 Male 485 (51.3) 1186 (50.0) 0.5
 Female 461 (48.7) 1184 (50.0)
Cesarean delivery (vs. vaginal) 7 156 (16.8) 411 (17.8) 0.5
Preterm birth ( < 37 weeks) 8
 Yes 30 (28.6) 93 (4.0) 0.3
 No 912 (96.1) 2262 (96.0)
Low birth weight ( < 10% for gestational age) 9
 Yes 59 (6.3) 156 (6.6) 0.7
 No 885 (93.8) 2212 (93.4)

BMI body mass index (kg/m2)

1—chi-square test; Missing data: 2—n = 25; 3—n = 12; 4—n = 8; 5—n = 37; 6—n = 42; 7—n = 73; 8—n = 19; 9—n = 4