Table 1.
Comparison of current HPV or virome detection tools
Detection tool | Function | Web based | Input data | Methods of virus identification | De novo assembly | Database |
HPViewer | Genotyping and quantification of HPV with non-specific repeats masked. | No | Raw reads | Bowtie2 | No | Repeat-masked and homology-masked HPV genomes |
HPVDetector | Detecting of HPV and identifying chromosomal integration sites | No | Raw reads | BWA | No | Multiple HPV genomes and human genome |
VirusTAP | Identification of viral genome sequences after subtraction of host and bacteria-related reads | Yes | Raw reads | BLAST | Yes | Customized viral nucleotide/protein sequences from the NCBI nt/nr database excluding bacteriophages, human genome, ribosomal RNAs, bacterial genome sequences, the latest host organisms genome sequences |
Vipie | Parallel analysis of multiple metagenomic samples for viruses identification | Yes | Raw reads | BLAST | Yes | A custom database with 20 759 viruses, human genome, ribosomal DNA of bacteria, archaea and fungi |
VirusScan | Investigation of the viral presence in human tumors | No | Raw reads | BWA | No | A custom virus database containing clustered viral sequences from NCBI NT database, human genome |
VIP | One-touch pipeline for metagenomic virus identification | No | Raw reads | Bowtie2 | Yes | Virus nucleotide from ViPR, IRD, Refseq viral, DDBJ, EMBL and GenBank, viral protein databases from Refseq, human genome, bacterial genome from GOTTCHA |
Metavir2 | Viral detection of metagenomics | Yes | Raw reads or contigs | BLAST, HMM | Either | Virus DNA and protein database from RefSeq NCBI taxonomy, kmer frequency pattern, PFAM protein domain database |
VirSorter | Metagenomic virus identification in both reference dependent and independent manners | No | Contigs | BLAST, HMM | No | Virus proteins from RefSeq, viral sequences sampled from freshwater, seawater and human gut, lung and saliva, PFAM protein domain database |
VirFinder | Identification of viral sequences by k-mer analysis | No | Contigs | k-mer frequency based machine learning | No | Virus k-mer signatures |