Figure 9.
The Q331K mutation affects the nuclear translocation of XRCC4-DNA ligase 4. (A) IF of DNA ligase 4 in WT or Q331K cells shows increased cytoplasmic presence in mutant cells (Scale bar, 10 μm). The 2.5-dimensional view of the localization is shown in the image below. (B) IF of XRCC4 in WT or Q331K cells shows their reduced nuclear presence in mutant cells (Scale bar, 10 μm). The 2.5-dimensional view of the localization is shown in the image below. (C) PLA of FLAG versus DNA ligase 4 and FLAG versus XRCC4 in cells expressing WT and mutant TDP-43 (Scale bar, 10 μm). The higher number of foci in the cytoplasm of Q331K-expressing cells compared to WT-expressing cells indicates the increased interaction of XRCC4-DNA ligase 4 after DNA-damage induction by IR (3 Gy). **P<0.05 ; ****P<0.0001.