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. 2019 Jul 24;76(11):1198–1205. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.1694

Table 3. Cross-Correlation Coefficients for Vitamin B12, RBC Folate, and Sulfur Amino Acidsa,b.

Variable Folate Vitamin B12 Holotranscobalamin Homocysteine Methionine Cystathionine Cysteine Glutathione Methionine to Homocysteine Status Supplements
RBC folate NA 0.273c 0.293c −0.465c −0.002 −0.219c −0.23 0.053c 0.361c 0.195c
Vitamin B12 0.273c NA 0.724c −0.304c 0.053c −0.030 0.051d −0.004 0.266c 0.294c
Holotranscobalamin 0.293c 0.724c NA −0.322c 0.072c −0.035e 0.107c 0.014 0.291c 0.326c
Homocysteine −0.465c −0.304c −0.322c NA −0.038e 0.406c 0.485c −0.014 −0.792c −0.126c
Methionine −0.002 0.053c 0.072c −0.038e NA 0.228c −0.044d −0.024 0.592c 0.000
Cystathionine −0.219c −0.030 −0.035e 0.406c 0.228c NA 0.311c −0.102c −0.181c −0.028
Cysteine −0.023 0.051d 0.107c 0.485c −0.044d 0.311c NA −0.065c −0.002 −0.026
Glutathione 0.053c −0.004 0.014 −0.014 −0.024 −0.102c −0.065c NA −0.002 −0.026
Methionine to homocysteine ratio 0.361c 0.266c 0.291c −0.792c 0.592c −0.181c −0.405c −0.002 NA 0.096c
Supplements 0.195c 0.294c 0.326c −0.126c 0.000 −0.028 0.100c −0.026 0.096c NA

Abbreviations: NA, not applicable; RBC, red blood cell.


Spearman rank-order correlations were used.


Determination of RBC folate values was routinely performed for all participants (available in 2570 individuals), but the additional markers were not routinely tested. Thus, values for other vitamins and sulfur amino acids reflect those of the 2355 participants clinically evaluated with available blood for further analyses.


P < .01.


P < .05.


P < .10.