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. 2019 Jul 25;10:2042018819863226. doi: 10.1177/2042018819863226

Table 1.

Summary of treatment recommendations.

Test Commencea Repeat Abnormal Treatment
Dilated eye examination with specialist using fundal photography or mydriatic ophthalmoscopy From 11 years of age once has had diabetes for 2–5 years Every 2 years if low risk Vision-threatening retinopathy Laser or anti-VEGF
Diabetic macular oedema with vision loss Anti-VEGF
Urine albumin/creatinine ratio (× three samples) From 11 years of age once has had diabetes for 2–5 years Annually Two out of three samples show proteinuria ACE-I or ARB
Foot examination From 11 years of age once has had diabetes for 2–5 years Annually
Blood pressure Every visit >95th centile for age, sex and height Lifestyle for 3–6 months and then antihypertensives
Random lipid profile From 11 years regardless of duration, unless strong family history in which case from 2 years Every 5 years Confirm with fasting sample. Abnormal if fasting LDL >2.6 mmol/l Lifestyle for 3–6 months and then consider statins from 11 years of age

Screening should commence at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes as duration is presumed to be longer.

ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; LDL, low-density lipoprotein;VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.