Figure 1.
The effects of neonatal MC4Rrs17782313 and ENPP1rs1044498 SNPs on birth weight of full-term newborns adjusted for GWG status and other covariates - unstandardized regression beta coefficients with their confidence intervals (95% CI). Legend: Neonatal MC4Rrs17782313 and ENPP1rs1044498 SNPs were regarded as dichotomous predictors in multiple linear regression and coded as 1 = variant genotype, 0 = wild genotype; also for Multiparous (coded as 1 = yes, 0 = nulliparous) and Smoking in pregnancy (coded as 1 = yes; 0 = no) while Educational status (coded as 0 = 0 years of education; 1 = under 8 years of education; 2 = between 9 and 12 years of education; 3 = more than 12 years of education) and GWG status (0 = insufficient GWG; 1 = normal GWG; 2 = excessive GWG) were regarded as ordinal variables.