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. 2019 Jul 26;14(7):e0219967. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219967

Table 1. Characteristics of postpartum HIV-infected mothers.

n % or median (IQR)
Total 3153
Geographical Region
North/central rural 785 24.9
North/central urban 828 26.3
South rural 868 27.5
South urban 672 21.3
Mother’s age in years, median (IQR) 3142 30 (25–34)
Mother’s age in years, %
≤19 178 5.6
20–24 596 18.9
25–29 775 24.6
≥ 30 1593 50.5
Missing 11 0.3
Parity, median (IQR) 3146 3 (2–5)
Parity, %
1 376 11.9
2–3 1304 41.4
∥ 4 1466 46.4
Missing 7 0.2
Known HIV-infected since:
Before index pregnancy 1593 50.5
During index pregnancy 1512 48.0
After index pregnancy 48 1.5
Spouse/cohabiting partner
Has partner 2882 91.4
No partner 265 8.4
Missing 6 0.2
Disclosure from mother to partnera
Mother disclosed 2696 93.5
Mother did not disclose 186 6.5
Disclosure from partner to mothera
Partner disclosed HIV status (any) to motherb 2107 73.1
Partner did not disclosec 774 26.8
Missing 1 0.0
Partner status reported by mothera
Partner is known HIV positive 1491 51.7
Partner is reported HIV negative 616 21.4
Partner’ HIV status unknown 774 26.9
Missing 1 0.0
Disclosure between partnersa
Both partners disclosed 2090 72.5
One partner disclosed 622 21.6
Neither of the partners disclosed 169 5.9
Missing 1 0.0
Maternal ART status
On ART 3053 96.8
Started but stopped ART 28 0.9
Unknown/did not want to reveal 44 1.4
Did not start ART 28 0.9
Number of days having missed ART in the last month among those on ART
0 2460 80.6
1 day 250 8.2
≥2 days 317 10.4
Missing 26 0.9
Infant nevirapine prophylaxis received
Yes, received any days from birth 3001 95.2
Missed nevirapine prophylaxis uptake 152 4.8
Exposed infants HIV status at 4–26 weeks (MTCT)
HIV-uninfected 3058 97.0
HIV-infected 95 3.0

HIV: human immunodeficiency virus

IQR: interquartile range

ART: antiretroviral therapy

MTCT: maternal-to-child transmission

aAmong those with partner

bMother reported knowing the result of partner’s HIV test if partner was ever tested

cMother reported that partner never had an HIV test or did not know whether he had ever been tested