(a) Change of STAT activity in third instar larval optic lobe (OL) at different developing stages. (b) Activities of Notch signaling revealed by Su(H)Gbe::edGFP and Su(H)Gbe::eRFP in third instar larval brain. In the optic lobe (OL), the Notch signal is down-regulated by a ‘proneural wave’ that sweeps across the neuroepithelium (NE) from the medial to the lateral regions, to trigger the NE to neuroblast (NB) transition. Consistent with this, a gradient change of Notch activity from red to green was observed in the NE region. Red signal (Notch low) located medially, and a band of green signal (Notch high) located at the lateral side of the OL, were observed, revealing the site of Notch pathway activation and progression of the proneural wave. Lo, lobula; Me, medulla; VNC, ventral nerve cord. (c) Both dGFP and RFP reporters show activity in the wing margin region of the third instar wing disc, with the GFP signal concentrated in a more defined cell population. Scale bar: (a,b,c) 100 μm.