Figure 5. Administration of CpG and αPD-1 prior to a combined ADD and immunotherapy protocol reduced tumor viability in both local and distant tumors of NDL-tumor bearing mice.
A) Treatment protocols of an immunopriming sequence with and without chemotherapy and chemotherapy alone. One tumor was treated directly with either CpG intratumorally in CpG+αPD-1 Prime (IT) or with CuDox+US (ADD) in CuDox+US+CpG+αPD-1 Prime (IT-ADD) and in CuDox+US (ADD) treatment groups. B) Growth of directly treated and distant tumors in bilateral NDL-tumor bearing mice treated with IT-ADD (n = 10), IT (n = 9), and ADD (n = 6) (B) compared to no-treatment control tumors (n = 10). C) Average growth of NDL tumors treated with either IT-ADD (n = 3) or IT (n = 5) treatment protocols compared to no-treatment control group over 38 days. The inset shows a representative magnified area. D) Temporal response of distant tumors to IT-ADD and IT treatments. E) The overall survival over the course of 101 days. In D, the survival curves for both primed & non-primed ADD-IT (p<0.0001) and ADD (p<0.01) were found statistically significant compared to NT Control group as evaluated by Log-rank (Martel-Cox) test. * p< 0.05, ** p< 0.01, **** p<0.0001).