Figure 5. Tidal volume in C3H and C57 mice administered nicotine.
Average tidal volume (ml inhaled per breath) was measured during three ten minute intervals following administration of saline, 0.35 or 0.70 mg/kg nicotine. Each data point represents eight male and eight female mice. Statistically significant differences: C57 0-10 min saline vs. 0.35 mg/kg (p=0.002), saline vs. 0.70 mg/kg (p=2.0×10−13), and 0.35 vs. 0.70 mg/kg (p=0.002); C57 10-20 min saline vs. 0.70 mg/kg (p=4.8×10−5), and 0.35 vs. 0.70 mg/kg (p=6.2×10−4); C3H 10-20 min saline vs. 0.70 mg/kg (p=0.001).