Fig. 1.
A) Initial and final setting times with 4% Na2HPO4 for the different formulations investigated. 0%-Unsat represents the control CPC group, while 0%-Sat involves the use of solution saturated in glucose. GMPs were further introduced in the formulations according to two size ranges (100–150 and 150–300 μm) and four weight fractions (10,20, 30, and 40%). Within the initial setting time series, * and & denote significance with respect to 0%-Unsat and 0%-Sat groups, respectively. In the final setting time series, # and ^ denote significance with respect to 0%-Unsat and 0%-Sat groups, respectively (n = 4, P < 0.05). In both series the error bars represent the 95% confidence interval. The introduction of a saturated liquid phase increases both the initial and final setting times compared to the unsaturated controls. Increasing concentrations of GMPs did not affect the setting times. B) Effect of increasing the Na2HPO4 concentration in the liquid phase on the initial and the final setting times for the 0%-Sat groups. Within the initial setting time series, * denotes significance with respect to 0%-Unsat, while in the final setting time series # denoted significance with respect to 0%-Unsat (n = 4, P < 0.05). In both panels the error bars represent the 95% confidence interval.