Fig. 4.
Crystallization of a layered crystal (oF244) via fiber formation. Hard pentagonal bipyramids (PBPs) self-assemble into a layered crystal (oF244) at constant packing density 0. (A) In the early stage of crystallization, hard PBPs separate into an LDF (transparent blue) and an HDF that consists of fiber-like motifs (light green). (B) The obtained crystal consists of layers of parallel fibers (dark green). (C) A cross-section of the crystal phase shows that a crystal layer (dark green) and a weakly ordered layer (yellow) alternate within the crystal. (D) The radial distribution function of the crystal layers, the weakly ordered layers, and the LDF. (E) A fiber-type prenucleation motif (Left) found in the HDF. (Right) Centers of PBPs and bonds (gray). (F) Part of a crystal layer with PBP representation (Left) and its centers (Right). (G) A density plot of particle centers for a cross-section of the crystal averaged over Monte Carlo sweeps. See Movie S3 for the movement of particles in each layer. (H) Equation of state of hard PBPs. Each data point is obtained by a single isobaric Monte Carlo run initialized in a disordered starting configuration for compression (black line) and initialized in an HDF configuration for decompression (blue line). (I) Diffusivity of the 2 fluids near the LDF-to-HDF transition.