Fig. 3.
MeCP2 does not regulate transcription via condensation of chromatin or premature termination. (A) A cartoon of the condensation model. Tangles represent regions of condensed chromatin that are inaccessible to RNA Pol II. (B) Chromatin accessibility (measured by ATAC-seq) at promoters rapidly decreases with increasing promoter methylation. In contrast, MeCP2 has a minor effect on accessibility (curves for OEs 4x and 11x are slightly lower than for KO). (C) The condensation model disagrees with Log2FC(OE 11x/KO) obtained from RNA-seq. (D) Schematic representation of the detachment model. (E) Log2FC (gene expression) for KO/ctr (purple) vs. the total number of mCGs per gene. Black lines represent predictions of the detachment model. Error bars represent ±SEM. (F) As in E for OE 11x/OE ctr (red).